Who We Are
A diverse array of faculty across Emory University collaborate with the Center for Contemplative Science and Compassion-Based Ethics to teach classes, advise students, and conduct research relevant to the study of contemplative science and secular ethics.
University programs at the Emory Compassion Center are supported by the following staff:
Lobsang Tenzin Negi
Lobsang Tenzin Negi, Ph.D is Teaching Professor in Emory University’s Department of Religion. He teaches Emory College undergraduate classes including REL 354R/HLTH385 Secular Ethics: The Dalai Lama’s Approach, REL 306 Tibetan Buddhism: The Psychology of Enlightenment and REL 358R/HLTH 385 Buddhist Meditation: Science, Healing and Happiness. He is also Program Director for the Emory Tibetan Mind-Body Sciences Summer Program in Dharamsala and Mundgod, India. He and his academic team are working currently to create a Contemplative Sciences Minor for Emory College undergraduates.
Additionally, Dr. Negi is Executive Director of the Center for Contemplative Science and Compassion-Based Ethics at Emory University (Emory Compassion Center), formerly the Emory-Tibet Partnership. In this capacity, he has supervised the academic endeavors undertaken by Emory in collaboration with His Holiness the Dalai Lama since 1998. Dr. Negi is also the founder and spiritual director of Drepung Loseling Monastery, Inc., in Atlanta, Georgia, USA.
Dr. Negi has been at the forefront of compassion science, collaborating with numerous researchers from multiple disciplines to examine the mechanisms behind compassion and its effects on the mind and body.
Through the Emory Compassion Center, Dr. Negi developed—and now oversees—three programs that are at the intersection of science and spirituality. These programs are supported by robust research components as the Emory Compassion Center works to advance a global culture of compassion.
Learn More about Lobsang Tenzin Negi
Brendan Ozawa-de Silva
Brendan Ozawa-de Silva, Ph.D., D.Phil., is an Associate Teaching Professor at the Center for Contemplative Science and Compassion-Based Ethics at Emory University in Atlanta, GA. He is also a Senior Faculty Fellow at the Emory University Center for Ethics and an Advisory Committee and Affiliated Faculty Member with the Emory Center For Mind, Brain and Culture. He received doctorates from Oxford University and Emory University with research focusing on emotions, particularly compassion, from the perspective of cognitive science and Tibetan Buddhism. In 2017 he returned to Emory to serve as Associate Director for SEE Learning, in which capacity he worked with Dr. Negi to develop and write the framework and served as a primary curriculum writer for the program. In 2021 he transitioned back to a faculty role, and he now teaches courses at Emory College for undergraduates, and continues to support the work of the Center, particularly the CBCT and SEE Learning programs. He has co-taught Emory College undergraduate classes with Dr. Negi including REL 354R/HLTH 385 Secular Ethics: The Dalai Lama’s Approach and REL 358R/HLTH 385 Buddhist Meditation: Science, Healing and Happiness. He has also taught THEA 385/HLTH 385 Empathy, Theater and Social Change and ANTH 386/EAS 385/HLTH 385 Others in Mind: Social, Emotional, and Ethical Learning in a Globalized World.
Learn More about Brendan Ozawa-de Silva
Art Linton
Art Lintons is a Communications Specialist and Teaching Assistant at the Center for Contemplative Science and Compassion-Based Ethics (Emory Compassion Center). Art works closely with Dr. Negi and Dr. Ozawa-de Silva on various writing projects and programs for The Compassion Center. He also assists Dr. Negi in teaching Emory College undergraduate Religion classes, specifically REL 354R/HLTH 385 Secular Ethics: The Dalai Lama’s Approach, REL 306 Tibetan Buddhism: The Psychology of Enlightenment and REL 358R/HLTH 385 Buddhist Meditation: Science, Healing and Happiness. He also serves as Program Assistant for the Emory Tibetan Mind-Body Sciences Summer Program in Dharamsala and Mundgod, India. Art has worked as a staff member at Emory University for 20 years, starting with the Emory Violence Studies Program, then with the Institute for Comparative and International Studies (ICIS) and afterward with the Center for International Programs Abroad (CIPA). He also worked as a copywriter and associate producer at CNN Headline News. He earned his Master of Arts in Religion and Bachelor of Science in Psychology at the University of Georgia.